Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Uncharted Waters in Finzean Hall

An exciting new circus dance theatre show coming to Finzean Hall on Wednesday 7th September at 7.30pm.
It is a creative collaboration between Strangebird Zirkus and All or Nothing aerial dance theatre. Both companies are at the forefront of a dynamic new performance style emerging in Scotland, which crosses the boundaries between circus, dance and theatre presented by POOT!

Three short stories, narrated through contemporary circus and aerial dance. A moment of decision, suspended in time. Two women on a nautical journey. A secret…while your money lasts. The audience travel through the ebb and flow of worlds on the edge of reality, witness to fear and triumph. Be swept away by spectacular skill on Chinese pole, aerial fabrics and rope together with stunning imagery and haunting live music & song.
Tickets £8 are available from Mel Shand. mailto:melshand.artist@gmail.comr 01330 850674.